Developer Starts Work in Fairfield Business Park
Monday, May 2nd 2016
FAIRFIELD, CA — Construction on more than 1 million square feet of industrial buildings has started at the Gateway80 Business Park in Fairfield, the Panattoni Development Company announced this week.
The park, located off Cordelia Road near Chadbourne Road, is 52.4 acres.
Fairfield Planning Manager Joe Lucchio said the park has a variety of light industrial, limited industrial and limited commercial uses that could go in there.
Lucchio said Panattoni has not identified any specific tenants that might come into the park.
“I would like to see a manufacturing company or something that is manufactured and is sold here because that puts the (sales) tax back to the city of Fairfield. That would be my hope,” said Vice Mayor Chuck Timm, emphasizing he does not have any specific knowledge of what tenants might locate at the park.
“I am encouraged by the fact that in this environment you would not build a building that big without having something in mind,” Timm said.
The city Planning Commission approved the project in 2015, but the area has been set aside for industrial development for two decades or more.
Several messages seeking comment were left with Panattoni.
The Fairfield area was targeted because of its central location within the Bay Area, and because of its water supply and delivery systems – more than 5 million gallons a day, plus full sewer capacity for “high demand manufacturing and production uses,” Panattoni said in a statement.
The company also cited the available pool of skilled labor and affordable housing in the area.
Two of the buildings will be 430,500 square feet; the third will be 178,000 square feet. Each will be certified under the national Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program. The total square footage is 1,039,000 square feet.
The larger buildings will feature 84 dock-high loading platforms, while the third building will have 25 similar positions.
The park also will feature 202 trailer parking spots, plus 533 spaces for vehicles, as well as state-of-the-art power and fire-suppression systems. The project is expected to be fully built out by the end of the year, the development company said.
The firm was founded by Carl Panattoni in 1986. It reports that over the past 24 months, it has developed $2.35 billion in new commercial projects.
JLL, an investment managing firm that specializes in real estate services, is financing the project. Buzz Oates, of Sacramento, is the contractor.
Buzz Oates developed a 970,000-square-foot industrial park across from the Panattoni project. The city has noted that project from 2014 is fully leased.